I can’t blame them, their cousins are hot.
I can’t blame them, their cousins are hot.
Why’s that?
That’d be great. Love to get a bigger better setup and just leave this one to run the surveillance system
You’re clearly a highly evolved person.
Do they look like penis or does penis look like them?
That’d be great for people whose birthdays and such fall on weekends, less so for the others.
I think relativity demonstrates that light does have mass?
They might not have “rest mass” but they do have mass!
The eclipse experiment proved it, solar sails whilst hypothetical demonstrate it.
I’ve heard a few stories of people dying practicing self love. Quite undignified!
I think this is a robot Chicken joke 😁
Someone who works with a particular style of therapy. I’m gonna over simplify because this is a lemmy post not a classroom.
There’s psychodynamic therapy (think Freudian) where the therapist works out what’s wrong with you and tells you what you need to do to fix it.
There’s behavioural therapy (think CBT) where what you feel isn’t the issue, it’s about changing your behaviour to fix your life.
And there’s humanistic (think Carl Roger’s Person Centred, etc) which is about the therapist being an ally, working with awareness, support and warmth. They’re the most non judgmental, they’re the best for making changes at a deep level and they’re least likely to tell you what to do. Advice is not part of the work.
Almost all the reasons I hear for not going to therapy don’t apply to holistic therapy, only the medical approach.
Find a humanistic therapist if you want someone to support you rather than fix you.
Seen em around lately?
He’s been my buddy since master of Orion ❤️
Marketing =/= Reality!
Mass Effect, almost certainly with plenty of honourable mentions to other games.
Peak is the Dramatic Scene at the end of ME1 after the final boss. Really really moved by events on Tuchunka and Rannoch.
Favourite moment outside Mass Effect, JC Denton saying “You’re gonna burn, alright”
“They also explain why we can only think one thought at a time”
I know a lot of people who would disagree with that
What, again?
Swtor and surviving Mars. Both around the 2000 hours mark.
Fallout / NV and Skyrim, each around 1000 hours
I do love those games.
You can take the UK out of the EU but you can’t take the EU out of the UK
Oh really. And what do you think he’s collecting all those rings for?