Edison was a cunt.
I am an Artist, Author, Film Maker, Martial Artist, Sartorialist, Ponderer of strange and wonderful things.
Edison was a cunt.
I hear people talking about how Youtube is not paying out like it used to. So they are playing ads to us and not paying the creators. There is a growing group of people looking at open source platforms like Odysee and PeerTube.
LOL there aren’t people in the rest of the world. America is everything and everything is America. If you don’t agree will bring “Freedom” to you.
Some of the Gnostics reckoned that El/Yaweh was an evil demiurge. There are some that believe that El/Yaweh is actually Loki and that we are on the verge or Ragnarok.
thank you so much!
can someone tl;dr this wall of text for me. It’s not just that I am lazy, but I also have a disability that makes this whole thing hard to get through.
there are companies out there that do this kind of thing.
i will be taping cardboard over the screen