The return of web directories 🤩
What about cruise control? I used that CI in 2009 maybe earlier. Jenkins was a milestone, fair point but not the first CI
Jenkins was called Hudson already a long time after being a prototype. We used it productively already.
That’s why it’s also a big accessibility feature. With big font sizes, four spaces are distracting but you can configure tabs to show up as one character, which is way more reasonable with font sizes larger than usual
I heard good things about Newsblur. They offer a service and an open source version for self hosting
This is a great hint, thank you. I just discovered that the official restic docs recommend this method too
Thank you!
This might be a good idea. It would only work for files that allow read access for the group, but that should be fine
Restic uses smart Delta backups, creating a tar before the restic process would defeat the purpose. The permission issue is the same, as I need to have access to the Files either way.
Over the internet for file sync. Desktop devices.