How does one balance the humors in their blood, when blood itself is one of the humors?
Leeches? Leeches.
How does one balance the humors in their blood, when blood itself is one of the humors?
Leeches? Leeches.
An oil company which had an MS access DB and a form configured for it with no checks for formatting that would insert the fields of the form directly into the database, and then if they wanted to make a change, they would export the entire database as csv, open it in excel, make changes and use that to overwrite the entire database.
This had been going on since some time in the 1990’s. They finally wanted to move to a modernized databasing/operations solution which is what my company does.
I successfully cleaned 75% of that data, however it took 37 regular expressions and a script that was about 800 lines to account for every possible mis-entry, incorrect format, and merging fields if they were empty from newest records to oldest records until the fields were no longer empty where possible (essentially collapsing the records together to get as much data on each unique object which may have had N records over time through the database).
It is UN-BELIEVABLE what actual businesses get away with.
Haha, I have an ok amount of data tucked away on disks as well, but I have a huge appreciation for people who do collect data as a hobby. In the contemporary, I fully believe that having people who take it upon themselves to do this is more important than ever, even thought it is often a thankless thing to do.
So in this case, I would throw a thank you your way for doing that!
They will pick whatever group they think will suddenly put as many idiots as possible under their control when they say “GROUP A IS BAD”.
Most of them don’t care they are trans, they only care that they can take advantage of the oppression of a minority group in order to consolidate control over people so that they can oppress more people.
When everyone alive and dead is either oppressed or under your control, you become god. This is the goal, but they don’t care about the process to get there.
I can’t share it all here for reasons I can’t detail.
I may do a second write up at some point for public distribution and if so, I will share it with you here.
I am trying to get people I know personally to stop posting and reading and instead begin to focus on the very basics of actual organization, in the form of simply being able to communicate effectively and securely.
I have collected and written up information for them with the consideration that they are non-technical, pertaining to secure and private communications primarily, but also many more potentially useful emergency-scenario information and data which I will not speak about here.
The package I have started giving to my friends contains information such as:
I firmly believe that the majority of Americans will not do anything until someone is actually showing up at their door, coming after them in the street, or destroying the regularities of their personal day to day life, so my intention is to distribute materials which they can turn to when the fear sets into them well enough that they are scared to talk about such things openly.
It is clear to me that most of my American friends at least, at this point, still only feel superficial fear and outrage. The other day I asked them “If you had to vandalize a public space with a piece of art, what would you draw or paint? Let’s say it is the side of a bank”.
One said “tits”, one said “flowers”, one said “a fox”.
Even in a fantasy, they would not express fear or outrage in a public setting.
I have had pretty good luck with airvpn, but the ultimate is mullvad as I understand it, though relatively speaking it is much more expensive than airvpn.
I have heard that phrase before, but I am unsure what it denotes specifically.
They have called the internet a series of tubes which is true to a degree.
Pneumatic tubes are still used in some places to send documents over a distance quickly.
There are a few things that are core to sending and receiving data and it would pay to read up on some computer networking protocols, particularly those that are a part of the TCP/IP Suite of protocols.
You want the data to be sent fast. A higher throughput means that more data can move in a shorter amount of time.
Depending on the type of data, you may or may not want the data to be received in its entirety. TCP was designed for a post-nuclear war scenario in which the lines that carry the data might be spotty, so it insures that all data sent is eventually received even if every other packet of data is lost on the way.
For real-time data, think live streams or video or voice call data, you dont necessarily care if one or two frames of a video get dropped on the way over because it is still good enough to understand what was sent. UDP works this way, basically firing the data down a line fast but not checking if each packet was received.
You want the data to be sent securely. SSL/TLS makes it so that no one can spy on your packets of data when they are in transit.
You want to make each packet of data dense with information. There are many ways this can be achieved, but a comparison would be something like making use of the back of a piece of paper as well as the front when writing a letter. In history, people would sometimes write letters normally, then if they needed more room, they would turn the paper 90 degrees and continue writing in that direction. The words are still readable even though they cross over other words on the page and it doubles the capacity of the data the piece of paper can hold. If you used the front and back of a page and used this method, you have multiplied the amount of data that you can store on the paper by 4.
I might have further ideas for you that might be helpful, and if I think of more I will edit this comment, but because this is a world-building type of topic, I would invite you to post this question to a community I moderate, as I am sure some people there have thought this over.
Nothing, I never said any such thing. In your case your answer to my question would be “I would not have to wish, because I already downloaded everything I want”. This makes you wise.
I like the Muji aluminum fountain pen.
Cheap enough that if it breaks or you lose it or some such, you won’t be that upset, but writes wonderfully. It is nice to have a pen where you can choose your own ink, and it will accept either refillable cartridges or pre-filled cartridges.
The way the cap posts on the back of the pen is pretty unique as well.
Perhaps instead of using youtube-dl or yt-dlp, you may enjoy some client such as freetube more, as it has a lot of the benefits of those tools, but without ads, and with sponsorblock/thumbnail correction, and other nice customizations. It also enables you to create playlists and whatnot.
You can hit a button to download directly from a video’s page as well, though I think that feature needs some love from the developers (you don’t get a loading bar on download).
Requiem for a dream. I have still not used opiates.
Yes, I don’t enjoy the experience as much as Obsidian.
It does look like obsidian to me. People like this or logseq a lot for their note taking. If you want a foss alternative, you can look at Joplin, though I can’t recall if it has a graphing feature like this out of the box.
As others have said, you don’t have to be concerned about anything if you keep good backups. Disk storage at this time is very cheap compared to what it used to be, you could probably find a 5200 RPM 5 TB disk for ~100 dollars USD, or even better, two 2 TB disks which you could configure with software RAID.
Way back in 1997 or so, I was not sure what to use, so I just chose “Foxtrot” from the phonetic alphabet because it sounded a little neat, and it has my favorite animal in it. It was not such an issue because you could still get that name everywhere at the time of course. Since then, I have mainly used variations of that, but at some point branched out into some others such as the one I use here.
It’s always kind of funny to me though, when I go through some old backup and see one of my forum signatures with my original name on it.
Rather arbitrarily for mine haha
Indeed, and welcome to you.