Lucky, we had to postpone a session 0 due to people having plans for the super bowl. Super boring game, and the whole event felt off. I fell asleep before it ended, but spent the whole time thinking about the fun we could have had.
Also that other commenter making assumptions about you and boycotting seemed just as odd. It reminds me more people came from reddit recently.
buncha wet bugs and some noodly fellas
Once the horse is at the water, the choice to drink is entirely up to them. It may be hard to accept, but as much as you do, if they die from drugs, it is not your fault.
We’ll probably be seeing this in other places soon. They upload pictures of “Drones over X city in Y state!” that is clearly just an airplane, and do it a few dozen times. Now when there’s real drone activity, when people search, the AI enhanced search engines will pull the most popular results, not the most current or accurate. Now the common consensus will be, “Oh, it’s just another plane probably.” Drones over cities become commonplace, and everyone is used to another layer of police state from clear blue skies.
Why thank you, it took many edits to get it to the point where it was creepy but believable.
Can you imagine hitching your wagon to someone only to find out years later that they can’t stay focused while under the effects of teargas?
It says a lot about the strange people you meet online that, had I never responded, no one but me would truly know if this offhand comment actually came from a deranged stalker or just some drunk and bored idiot looking to do some light trolling.
No idea. I always tell them how nice I am, I always hold the door for them, and I even shower before we meet up. I’ve even going so far as to pick them up at their houses, they never seem to appreciate it. Some have reacted quite unexpectedly, slamming the door and yelling about police. I’ve learned to never show initiative and learn their address beforehand, as the effort is never reciprocated. Maybe if I was some knuckledragging douchebag, I’d get some of the attention I deserve.
The healthcare costs in America will ensure there’s no transfer of wealth between generations.
Perhaps through the evidence of a crater, and it’s depth in the type of ground in which it was found, is enough for scientists to determine these creatures actually threw up fully erect, not unlike the night I lost my virginity.
Pretty sure this was a pokemon first, nature is gunna get sued by nintendo.
Natural predator: designed in an office, built in a factory.
Perhaps your pipes are too wide.
I just couldn’t let the original commentor get away with saying the most ridiculous shit in this thread, I had to top them.
Actually, tetris is really a commentary about the brief and fragile ethnostate in Constantinople as the Byzantine empire fell to the Ottoman empire.
Hand tight, then torque wrench, 7-inch pounds.
Nice, we’re about to run a pirate campaign with like 9, 10 people. We’ll be lucky to finish a round of combat in a session, but it’ll be one to remember for sure.