Clockwork Orange
Clockwork Orange
A web extension isn’t going to be that much of a game changer for Firefox. Usage is down, new profile rate is down, concerning financials towards Firefox and this issue has been ongoing for sometime with ublock. This isn’t meant to diss ublock though.
I don’t have much hope for Mozilla attracting more users to make userbase count impact. Hopefully overpaid execs proves my pessimism wrong about my favorite browser.
How? If you would have said Chromium based era, then sure, possible. Internet Explorer for 64 bit was officially retired June 15, 2022 and permanently disabled through an Edge update.
Locate command. I know it’s a command in thw terminal but since I had to apt install it I’m adding it here.
I absolutely love it.
Duck Duck Go, Brave and Vivaldi. I’m de-firefoxing.