The Metamorphosis of a Prime Intellect.
The Metamorphosis of a Prime Intellect.
After you listen to a song, the secret police from the RIAA come and lock it up in a small, dank cell given minimal sustenance, until the next time they can send it to some seedy hotel, suburban home, or automobile, to turn a trick and make them some more money, like some sort of whoo-re for the ears.
Apparently: Them playing our local city square, doing a terrible performance, acting like prima donnas, and then after inviting people to come see them at the merch booth after the show, then never showing up.
Naw dog. Nursing school is way more high stakes. You can get kicked out of the program for very little, it’s very high stakes. There are exams that you have to get 100% on or you’re out of the program. Iirc, you can get kicked out of the program for not being 15 minutes early too many times. Not for being late, for not being early. At least we compensate them with mediocre pay and shitty hours and horrible bosses upon graduation…
Don’t forget how the patient’s family treats nurses.
I’ve watched it on YouTube, it’s pretty good. It starts “this is an impersonation of George Carlin”. Wonder if a court ruling would prevent human impersonation.
Last weekend I used to copy my Spotify playlists over to YouTube Music, and the shuffle play is SOOO much nicer there! That was my primary gripe with Spotify, the shuffle play is idiotic
You young fellas sit back, I’mma tell you about the time in '96 that I bought a 1GB hard drive for a thousand doll-hairs. And then later that year got 64MB of RAM for another thousand doll-hairs, and the next month the price dropped in half. I could run two java programs AT THE SAME TIME!
What if the hives are rent controlled?