This is cool! Also I can’t help but see this as a meme format: “Me, at 7am vs 10pm” lol
This is cool! Also I can’t help but see this as a meme format: “Me, at 7am vs 10pm” lol
I also noticed the reduction in operating temperature, which can help improve energy generation efficiency. Hotter panels produce less energy (generally speaking).
Nice graphic! But this data seems wildly out of date. For example, LinkedIn has over 1 billion users. Unless this is referring to weekly active users or something, but the row just says “users”.
Totally agree! I picked up an old iPhone 6s yesterday and I just couldn’t believe how much lighter and thinner it is than the latest models.
At least for calling a business, how about a law which requires companies who use automated phone services to send you to an actual person when pressing 0. Standardize the number to press and make it a requirement during business hours. It sucks getting trapped in an automated phone answering service when you 100% know that it can’t help you, only a customer service representative is able to deal with your situation.
I haven’t looked at the statistical data on this myself, but there’s something to be said for survivorship bias.
That’s true, I agree with this sentiment. But I’m a bit confused when trying to apply the same logic to credit bureaus and other companies which get hacked and expose our personal information without facing any real consequences. In those situations I feel that those companies should be held liable for the breaches.
Wow good find using the pdf metadata!
Thanks for sharing! I wish they had the date of publishing listed for this article. I get the feeling it was written 15 years ago, well before streaming music services existed. Would love to see them update this based on the latest technologies and services.
Yes, I just finished watching Pantheon and absolutely loved it!
Totally agree that it deserved more attention. At least it got a proper ending with season 2.
Also, the voice acting talent they got was impressive. Paul Dano was fantastic as one of the leads.
Was looking for the Pantheon reference in this thread! Just finished that show and loved it. Of course it takes plenty of liberties for the sake of the storytelling, but still, at least it explores these interesting topics!
Anyone reading this thread, do yourself a favor and check out Pantheon!
Yeah I loved playing the first one! Hopefully there’s enough innovation to warrant a full sequel rather than just new content with essentially the same mechanics. Here’s hoping!
In this potential scenario, instead of axing 41% of people from the workforce, we should all get 41% of our lives back. Productivity and pay stay the same while the benefits go to the people instead of the corporations for a change. I know that’s not how it ever works, but we can keep pushing the discussion in that direction.
Gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for your reply!
Do you know how both of those compare with Google Sheets?
Also! I ditched Audible a long time back in favor of sites like these that don’t lock authors into crappy exclusives, provide DRM-free audiobooks for sale, and have actually decent deals with authors.