Watch your l*nguage, my dear
Still even people new to writing have a good intuition about that but formalizing this intuition is a different story
But I’m allergic to almonds and gluten intolerant!
No Klein bottle? Not even a small one?
Please, it’s w*rd, we want to keep this f*mily friendly
I once heard that monkeys will just go to the typewriter, tipe the same letter a few times and leave. Doesn’t sound like Shakespeare to me
Sure? How many? Because I have some atoms at home and need a new knife
I still vote for Welsh
And it’s totally valid to use it that way even though I wouldn’t. That’s the “You decide” part of my first comment
Because that would make fish and vertebrates synonyms so why not drop the former altogether?
Either that or fish aren’t a phylogenetic group. You decide
“The experiment was successful”
All we could see were clouds implying rain (forests), or even more (and only) water.
I read old scifi where Venus was full of rainforests. That’s not how we see Mars today
On OGLE-TR-56b it only rains ironically
The ideology of neoliberalism is to claim it’s just the way the world works and everyone else is political. No need to question or prove your presumption if you pretend there are none.