Feels like someone playing Helldivers. That’s literally one of the tips, “Don’t Die!”
Feels like someone playing Helldivers. That’s literally one of the tips, “Don’t Die!”
Do we have to keep rehashing the Jedi/Sith duopoly? I was sorely disappointed with the missed opportunity to have Ben and Rey travel the galaxy preaching a new dogma; “the Force belongs to everyone”.
Most played is Satisfactory, most surprising is the Marathon trilogy because I was surprised it was available at all, playable on the deck, fully supported, and free.
My top Deck games match my overall Steam list because my Deck is my only gaming PC.
Hey, I’ve been there! DSRV at Morro Bay. Part of the Maritime Museum there.
You can wishlist it on Steam! The developer says he has been playtesting it on the Deck, too.
No Richart Structure?
“Zaslav’ing” lol
Nothing obvious; no game breaking bugs or unplayability. Just too little, too late. If it came out 5 years ago, it would have a chance, but that space is too crowded now with F2P offerings to tolerate a bland entry with high upfront cost. It sounds like they’ll retool it into F2P, hopefully add something unique, and relaunch.
Seriously, I just finished my annual “preventing harassment’ training and there’s a whole section on power differential and how just asking puts employees in a bad spot. Just…don’t.
Shit, I better get cracking.
Nothing about the 1995 Dredd movie? What makes a cult classic is highly subjective, but I think it should be hard to find. Makes the hunt more fun. I found out very recently that Big Trouble in Little China is not really available on streaming services. I bought the blu-ray.
Ooo, subscribed.
I believe the correct response is “go fuck yourself.”
They really don’t like outspoken women. I hope Usha is paying attention.
This, 100%. And to pile on, any effort that doesn’t include expanding the size of the Supreme Court to 13 is too little, too late.
It’s like the DNC holding abortion rights over everyone’s heads instead of actually doing something about it for decades.
More like ICMP echo request and reply (ping).
Regexr.com is my go-to.