• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Firstly, you are probably going to need a pdf version of your resume. I’ve tried to get people to accept a website resume but they refuse, and explicitly want pdf. I link to a pdf on my website because of this. Do something similar.

    Your notes are very in depth, and organized.

    However, I agree with the other commenters about the overall site design and (over)use of JS. The cropping and spacing is overall poor, which only harms the site design further, given the already bad overall organization.

    Another thing is icons. These are big and unevenly spaced. Use something like fontawesome (probably not this since it doesn’t have everything, you may end up having to find svg logo’s of the various things yourself) instead. If you are trying to do web development, your portfolio must look cleaner. Like in bootstrap, the place where the icon is, has sharp corners, which extend outward from bootstraps rounded corners.

    I do disagree with one of the other commenters on the use of the term “language”. I like it. Especially for a resume, brevity is better. I think overall, you should compress your site down, rather than having so much wasted space.

  • I’m gonna be real: You want kubernetes + gitops (either fluxcd or argocd or the rancher one).

    I mean sure, jenkins works, but nothing is going to be as smooth as kubernetes. I originally attempted to use ansible as many people suggested, but I got frustrated becuase it struggled to manage state in a truly declarative way (e.g. when I would change the ports in the ansible files the podman containers wouldn’t update, I had to add tasks for destroying and recreating the containers).

    I eventually just switched to kubernetes + fluxcd. I push to the git repo. The state of the kubernetes cluster changes according. Beautiful. Simple. Encrypted secrets via sops. It supports the helm package manager as well. Complex af to set up though. But it’s a huge time saver in the long run, which is why so many companies use it.

  • Yaml is a data storage format

    I have literally never seen yaml used as a data storage format, only as a configuration language. Ansible, Kubernetes, Home manager, netplan, and many, many other examples of yaml as a configuration language, but I cannot think of an example of yaml as a data storage format off the top of my head.

    Given the:

    package {
      name my-pkg
      version "1.2.3"
      dependencies {
        // Nodes can have standalone values as well as
        // key/value pairs.
        lodash "^3.2.1" optional=#true alias=underscore

    On the README of the KDL Github, it looks like KDL has a similar goal to be a configuration langauge, rather than a data storage format.

  • I don’t see anything about turing completeness or programmatic capabilities in their github. Any language that doesn’t have the programmatic abilities will inevitably get them hacked on when someone needs them, like what happened to yaml a bunch of times for a bunch of different software. This is one of people’s many frustrations with yaml, the fact that doing a loop, an if statement, or templating, is different for every single software that uses yaml. Even within Kubernetes, there exists different ways to do templates.

    I would much rather see the language consider those things first, then see it repeat one of the biggest mistakes of yaml. This is why I am more eager for things like nickel, or even Nix as a configuration language, and am skeptical of any new standard that doesn’t have those features.

  • See also: noyaml.com

    I personally like yaml though. Although I won’t deny it can be hellish to write without a linter, it’s just like any other language with tab autocomplete and warning for sus things if you have the right software set up.

    I used the ansible and kubernetes VSCode extensions, and I really like them both. With the kubernetes one, you can just start typing the name of the resources you want to create, and then press tab, and boom, a template is created.

    I would much rather see something like Nix be the norm, but I find Nix very frustrating to edit because the language servers for it are nowhere near as developed.