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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Matching communication styles is the key here. If there’s a general chatty vibe to the team and you’re the only one not engaging then you’re the odd one out and that will invite comment.

    If your team are chatty, you don’t need to go all out at the same level they are, but showing some willing and chatting at least sometimes will usually be enough to ensure harmony. Knowing how to disengage without causing offence or annoyance is also an important skill.

  • Fair point, so maybe take a view on whether they’ve turned up with heavy machinery or just kidnap cars. In the OP’s case they don’t have time to prep, so they’re going to have to play things as they are. If you’re in a situation like this and do have time, you could find better ways to be able to blockade the road as needed. The blockage doesn’t need to last very long, even delaying their entry by minutes might give more people time to escape. Blocking their way out slows this operation and the next one. Once people know they’re in the area they lose the element of surprise.

  • (In the ‘Churchgoer’ slide I think you have the wrong year on the bit about ICE)

    One group you’ve missed that I think can do a lot of good are what you might call ‘Interference’. Basically finding ways to make the system less efficient and effective. The resistance manual that’s been going round has some ideas, but there’s also basic stuff that can gum up the processes they use to be evil.

    If they start a tip line to identify a certain class of individual, send them tips. Lots of tips. Make them plausible so they have to divert time and energy to investigting them.

    If you see an official vehicle when you’re travelling, obstruct it as much as could plausibly not be deliberate. Drive slowly and brake harder than you need to. In fact, do that anytime you can cause a nuisance.

    Slow productivity anywhere you can. If you have to interact with a business that supports the oligarcy, do everything you can to reduce their efficiency. Call them repeatedly for minor things and talk for as long as possible. Place orders and then cancel them after they’ve started fulfilment. Return things.

    Be sand in the cogs of the system without exposing yourself to direct physical danger. None of these things will end the threat on their own, but they make it easier for others to resist and add up if many people do them. If you’re working online use protection. A good, ideally foreign and non-logging, VPN helps, TOR also helps, but you should always assume these things c`n be compromised, so stack them.

  • The problem with releasing them on day one is that you then can’t gather more. If you’ve only just exposed the edges of the malfeasance you need time to get the rest before exposing it. Go too early and the rest of the evidence can be destroyed, covered up or those holding it coearsed into silence.

    Having a dead man’s switch is a way to ensure whatever you’ve gathered gets released if you’re no longer in a position to gather more. As such I disagree with the poster about making it public knowledge before release. Keep it secret until you have everything, then release it.

  • Trying to avoid using any arithmetic operators, and sticking just to binary (extending beyond 16 bit unsigned ints is left as an exercise for the interested reader):

    # This increments $i
    my $i=1;
    print "Start: $i ";
    if (($i & 0b1111111111111111) == 0b1111111111111111) {die "Overflow";}
    if (($i & 0b0000000000000001) == 0b0000000000000000) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111111110) | 0b0000000000000001);}
            if (($i & 0b0111111111111111) == 0b0111111111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b0000000000000000) | 0b1000000000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0011111111111111) == 0b0011111111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1000000000000000) | 0b0100000000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0001111111111111) == 0b0001111111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1100000000000000) | 0b0010000000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000111111111111) == 0b0000111111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1110000000000000) | 0b0001000000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000011111111111) == 0b0000011111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111000000000000) | 0b0000100000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000001111111111) == 0b0000001111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111100000000000) | 0b0000010000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000111111111) == 0b0000000111111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111110000000000) | 0b0000001000000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000011111111) == 0b0000000011111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111000000000) | 0b0000000100000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000001111111) == 0b0000000001111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111100000000) | 0b0000000010000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000111111) == 0b0000000000111111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111110000000) | 0b0000000001000000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000011111) == 0b0000000000011111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111000000) | 0b0000000000100000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000001111) == 0b0000000000001111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111100000) | 0b0000000000010000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000000111) == 0b0000000000000111) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111110000) | 0b0000000000001000);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000000011) == 0b0000000000000011) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111111000) | 0b0000000000000100);}
            if (($i & 0b0000000000000001) == 0b0000000000000001) {$i=(($i & 0b1111111111111100) | 0b0000000000000010);}
    print "End: $i\n";