Other companies provide nothing, so it’s definitely better than average.
Nah, the kids I know learned C just fine. C is simple, C is all you need for writing kernel drivers, pointers are not that hard if you explain them well, it just feels really pedestrian compared to Python or Typescript.
It’s ultimately a question of money. Older guys with software engineering degrees and fancy salaries can spend their weekends doing free community service in the form of open-source development. Younger people have to worry about job and rent and bills, they simply don’t have that kind of free time.
Add to that the growing complexity of the software. Something that could be done by an university student before, like writing an OS from scratch, won’t be nearly as useful as it would in the '90-s, because it was already done before, now you have multiple OSes to choose from. And joining an existing software project is hit-or-miss, some are inclusive and some are an old boy club where you need to know the secret rules.
In Lua all arrays are just dictionaries with integer keys, a[0] will work just fine. It’s just that all built-in functions will expect arrays that start with index 1.
You can actually use / as a path separator on Windows in functions like fopen(), because it supports some ancient version of POSIX standard.
The first Google result is this: https://watchbird-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/1930#:~:text=But the notion that Teflon,hazard than everyday cooking oils.
So yeah, overheated Teflon does kill birds, but they have heated the pans to the temperature where a regular butter heated in the uncoated aluminium pan also kills birds.
Uhh, another myth. Do you own Teflon skillet that was produced in 90’s? Do you fry your food until it’s carbonized? Stop worrying about it, your cooking oil will become tar and be smelling like burning rubber long before Teflon coating will produce any chemicals.
Furthermore, the oil coating you are using to cure your cast iron is pretty much homemade Teflon, it also should not be heated above 260° C. Well, if you cook outdoors, all that cancer will fly up in the air and burn the ozone layer instead of your lungs, so it’s pretty safe.
But yeah, ceramic skillet is the answer. I own two, and the coating is pretty fragile, you don’t ever want to hit it with a knife or stab a fork into it or it will chip away, and overheating can crack it because of thermal expansion, but it’s as chemically inert as you can get, it’s pretty much glass.
I like the size of your pot.
There’s nothing wrong with kilowatts, it’s an SI unit. The problem is hour, which is 3600 seconds, and we have ancient Egyptians to blame for this, who divided the day into 24 hours despite having already developed base-10 numerical system.
Kilowatt per kilosecond, which is 1 megajoule, would work better.
Jumping from loose-typed language to strict-typed language will be hard.
It’s also a matter of your general programming experience. Once you write, like, ten thousand lines of meaningful code in Python, learning C# should take you a month or two at most, you’ll know most programming concepts and algorithms intrinsically, and the rest is just learning syntax.
It depends on how much are you willing to use pre-prepared ingredients. There is a huge variety of quality frozen dumplings where I live, the instructions are - boil for 10 minutes, and done!
It’s just C++ without templates. So whatever element you want to put into std::list, it must virtually inherit std::list::value_type. And of course there will be a macro-based list monstrosity inside Boost.
In Russia, bad hackers are promoted to infantry. They also cannot make a decent living elsewhere, because they are conscripted and cannot leave the country.
Donations are not sustainable. Many open-source projects tried them, and the only thing they can cover are server costs or conferences, developers are still working for free on their own time.
Nah, it will end up simply as “John” in the database. You need “John%sDoe” to crash C software with unsafe printf() calls, and even then it’s better to use several “%s”
Someone wants to raise their Hirsch index, is all.
Torvalds kicked out a bunch of Russia-based kernel maintainers.
They were just called ‘tomatoes’ on the label. They also were more sweet than sour, and over-ripened.
You can use plum tomatoes, they are usually the cheapest, and will have the taste closest to the tomato paste.
If you don’t add the meat, this becomes a classic vegetarian pasta recipe. Eat with a slice of Brie, or grind some hard cheese on top. Or simply put sliced cheese on top, it is going to melt anyway.
Tech companies spend effort on a FOSS project when either it’s their main product, or when they have no choice, it’s licensed under GPL and there are no BSD or Apache-licensed alternatives. Contributions are usually done by individual employees in their after-hours time, and most managers see it as directly benefitting their competition.