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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • That’s one thing I noticed about NZ, during my first trip: the speed limits are generally sane. If anything, the rural speed limits have a genuine sense of reality to them.

    In stark contrast, driving in Canada (Toronto area) and the US (Texas) most times I felt I could safely go faster, were it not for the constant threat of speed traps or random / stealth cruisers.

    In NZ if you’re doing a long drive and you don’t heed the slower speed limits as you enter a bend in the road, you may have just fucked yourself. Especially if the roads have a layer of moisture, which is likely.

    And the more built up areas have a decent amount of traffic calming, which is nice.

    Toronto and really all of the GTA need a severe dose of NotJustBikes to get sorted.

  • I have a friend who is graphic designer for a small shop. Customers drop off work at the front desk, and depending on how much effort it works out to be, it can land on his desk.

    Some customers insist on explaining to “the designer directly”. They get told/warned that it’s more expensive (hourly) and that the clock starts as soon as he walks up to the counter. And some customers agree to these terms.

    It’s always entertaining to hear his stories.

  • Also when you have a chance, check out:

    Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary

    but not until after you’ve seen GQ :)

    After I’d watched the documentary, I realized there were some clever nuances/cinematography, etc that I had missed the first couple times I’d watched GQ. Ended up watching GQ soon after that once again.

    It’s one of those quirky movies that’s worth rewatching from time to time. Like The Princess Bride.

  • A residence floormate I knew back in university also worked as a bartender at a hotel.

    His one story relevant to this thread is he once poured a drink for a customer over ice without measuring it. Think scotch or whiskey. Customer said there’s no way that’s an ounce. They argued for a bit; my friend poured everything from the glass into a shot glass minus the ice, and it was exactly on the line. End of argument.

    He admitted to me that some of that may have been water from the melted ice.