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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m not sure it’s good to approach this with a “how do I get rid of” mindset. Unless you have some other specific circumstances, these are conditions that we live with. However, working with a doctor can help. Also, your own personal experience will, too. Diet, topical products, and possibly medication could all play a role. I have had excema and dandruff for my whole life, but thru watching what I eat and keeping track of what I use, I have a pretty good system that works for me. I didn’t get the excema figured out until my mod twenties (from a management standpoint), and the dandruff until mod thirties, but I feel OK about those things now. I would have been better off, I think, if I consulted with a doctor as a teen. I really recommend this. Don’t be afraid of a second opinion.

  • I guess I can understand what you are saying. I have lived out of my vehicle off and on for about ten years, and having a full tine, good “chopping” knife that I can sharpen with what I might use on a shovel is really nice. I have had the same maine knife for 15 years. It is ok. I don’t have to work on it much. It says “Chicago Cutlery” on it. It has been put up wet, been used in snow, and I have no money invested in it. It works great.

    I also worked in a kitchen once, with really nice knives, it isn’t that nice. But it was cheap. Full tine, and not that weird serrated but not serrated.

  • I understand what you are saying, I don’t know that I taste it, even in the same batch that others do. My thoughts are it comes to experience. I don’t use olive oil, or butter, alone, just in cooking, but if I sample it, it always tastes fine. But with tea, then ya, it was too hot water, or over steeped. But I do drink a lot of tea. Maybe we both could benefit by going to some tastings. And bring some rancid oil with us to compare? Not sure how popular we would be ☠️