oh please. I’m all for alternatives to youtube, just not ones that are backed by crypto schemes and appeal to and embrace nazi’s.
But you go ahead and give them your money, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
ah so they ditched one crypto scam for another crypto scam. nice.
why are you so dead set on dying on this hill for a video site? you’re advocating for a pro-nazi crypto scam video site.
I have. Literally checked out the the site for the first time today because of this post. it’s literally on their front page. I don’t have an account there, private window, all that and I still got it either far right or racist or conspiracy bullshit.
that’s a lot of words to say “no one wants to advertise on our pro-nazi video site”
please. If you’re going to spew this droll bullshit at least be aware that receipts exist.
so lets dive in shall we?
Odysee was built on the back of LBRY another typical crypto scam bullshit that was broke. couldn’t even pay a 100k lawsuit against them when the SEC took them to court and they went bust. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/16/lbry-closes-odysee-cryptocurrency-tech-sec-fraud-extremist
Also you say you’re not a nazi but hey your platform of choice sure does love em! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/14/odysee-video-platform-nazi-content-not-grounds-for-removal
They’re also anti physically and mentally disabled: https://www.dailycal.org/archives/lbry-public-sharing-platform-uploads-20-000-deleted-uc-berkeley-lectures/article_14cffebb-7495-5bea-93f9-ae49d03fcf7a.html thy reuploaded 20,000 lecture videos that were deemed illegal by the US Department of Justice for violating the American Disabilities Act. So they don’t care about deaf people. cool.
They also don’t moderate shit: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/26/technology/big-tech-power-bitcoin.html They say they’ll allow anything other then porn and calls to violence and terrorism buuuuuut they allow porn, calls to violence, and terrorism. Hell just checking out the “lifestyle” section you’ll see that what they state they’ll moderate just isn’t true.
Banned users from other platforms are welcome with open arms on Odysee: https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2021-04-19/from-cooking-videos-to-qanon-n-h-based-video-platform-attracts-users-banned-elsewhere you know, People banned for good reason.
If you allow a nazi to drink in your bar, even if it’s just one, you’re a nazi bar.
cause, you know, the Global Network on Extremism and Terrorism called it “The New Youtube for the Far-Right” https://gnet-research.org/2021/02/17/odysee-the-new-youtube-for-the-far-right/
So you saying you’re not a facist, neo-nazi, or any of that is funny considering you SURE DO love hanging out with them.
“When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”
a search bar for your DB doesn’t count guys.
would you have any ocean front property for sale in Kansas per chance?
nope, runs great I really dig it. set it as my default.
it’s firefox based. Japanese browser that has the same customization as vivaldi (which is why I really liked vivaldi) so I can have my address bar and navigation bar at the bottom, my tabs up top, and all my other stuff on the side of the window.
you will soon though.
yup I recently switched from Vivaldi to librewolf which is a shame cause I really liked vivaldi and it’s customization and embedded email but since it’s chromium I knew it was just a matter of time before I had to switch.
edit: annnnnnd nevermind I just found Floorp so I’m happy again.
yup stay far, far, away. Remember when they released their “pirate” game and it was essentially just a basic reskin of Ark? essentially take out the dinosaurs and throw in pirate stuff.
Honestly I just watch streamers like Cohhcarnage or Lirik as they pretty much only play new and indie games and they tend to give honest opinions on what they play. Literally just bought an indie game today after watching Lirik play it.
oh it was great. I used to try and get in the magazine by drawing on the envelopes and mailing them in. EGM and I think GamePro used to have artwork that people mailed in.
Also prior to the Internet this was THE way to get cheats for games. every time a new issue came out I always checked the back to see if there were cheats for a game I just got.
had a subscription to GI years and years ago. it came with the Gamestop membership thing.
I miss old gaming mags like this, EGM, GamePro, etc. man EGM used to be THICK, it was like buying a catalog every month.
Braid is like Myst. Everyone and their grandma either bought it, got it as a gift, got it in a bundle, or just pirated it way back in the day. I mean I friggin have it in my steam library and I don’t know how I got it.
So it doesn’t surprise me that no one bought this remaster or whatever.
add to the fact that remasters really work if it’s of a game that is on an older console or is an older game that has a hard time running on modern PCs. Braid isn’t either of those. Why pay for a remaster if chances are you already have it and is still runs.
you also have to consider the point of being “the only option”. I live in a major city and here there’s a central transit hub downtown, very large, trains and buses and subways coming in and out. The place has a decently sized food court, opens at 5am and that’s when the first batch of morning commuters start coming in. So naturally they want their coffee and breakfast. Out of ALL the food options there’s only ONE place that’s open. McDonald’s. So the line ups in the morning are long because it’s the ONLY place to get a coffee and a sandwich.
At night the station closes at 230am. Most of the food places close around 10pm. The station is next door to a major sports/events arena. So every now and again you have people in the station late at night waiting for trains and buses to take them home after a sporting event or concert. What’s the only place that’s still open at that time of night? McDonald’s.
for those two periods of time the place does well. during the day when other, cheaper, options are open next to them they don’t, it’s dead. there’s no lineups and the staff are twiddling their thumbs. But for those two periods in the day when they’re the only option in the area? they kill it.
it “depends” but the exception to what you stated has become extremely rare.
Theres ONE burger king near me that for whatever reason lives in some kind of temporal loop thats prices are a few years behind everyone else. I can go there and get two breakfast sandwiches, an order of hashbrowns, and a large coffee for $11. and it’s fast. For dinner if I wanted I can get a large combo meal for $13.
Compare that to the mcdonalds near me. say I wanted two breakfast sandwiches, two hashbrowns (the equivalant or slightly less than the BK large hashbrowns) and a large coffee i’m going to be spending $20+
But other than this one magical BK every where else is the same. Fast Food is neither fast nor cheap anymore. what’s the point?
as a DDG user can confirm. if you search for something and a reddit result comes up it literally will just say “reddit.com” in the description. so it’s a crap shoot if you click on it or not.
All that being said you CAN filter out if reddit results even show up in your search engine of choice using this extension: https://github.com/iorate/uBlacklist
it’s a mentality a lot of Japanese publishers share, especially Capcom. They’ll continue to produce what they feel are “safe bets” as far as games that sell and tend to ignore “fan favorites”.
The problem is Square firmly hooked their horse to the Final Fantasy cart and that cart has been in sore need of repair for awhile. I mean hell even FFXIV Dawntrail was…eh not their greatest expansion.
The sad thing is Square has some great IPs that they haven’t touched in decades. Brave Fencer Mushasi, Parasite Eve, Bushido Blade, The Bouncer, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, Front Mission, Tobal. They could even make a new FFTactics that isn’t just another re-release of either FFT Advance or the regular one which is all they seem to do.
And then on top of all that remember years and years ago they bought Enix and what did they do with that? nothing other than pumping out Dragon Quest and Tomb Raider games. Remember Enix also had some great IPs too like ActRaiser, Grandia, and Star Ocean.
They have all these fan favorite IPs but if the Title doesn’t have Final, Kingdom, Raider, or Quest in it they’re not interested and surprise surprise the fans are tired boss.