Alolan Parasect. Or Galaran Parasect I guess if it’s Ireland
If I remember correctly Jim Davis has even said he likes and approves of such things. Wasn’t there a Garfield minus Garfield book published at some point with his blessing?
I’m working on a Pokemon-like turn based game system I can customize and use across multiple game projects. There’s a base set of code that handles shit you’ll always have like loading a mon and its model into a battle scene or basic stuff for cutscenes, then you customize the game mechanics on top of that. So ideally the games made with it won’t come out feeling too similar. I plan to open-source at least some of the base code.
Develop menthol, they said, it’ll deter predators, they said
I love the future
Mind if I also DM you?
I’m now imagining something like a gardening game where you shoot seeds/water/fertilizer into the dirt or something… or an Animal Crossing game where you fire furniture out of a gun for the animals to collect…
My favorite Pokemon, love this dude
T’was a joke. He’s a programmer guy on Youtube who uses a turtle avatar.
Vedal made this post
Naw man, that’s his Pokemon team. They’re all friends and he’s gonna win the world tournament
That’s me… I do that…
What positions do you have open?
This shower is more employable than I am
i hate it so fucking much