Yeah, machine learning actually has a ton of very useful applications in things. It’s just predictably the dumbest and most toxic manifestations of it are hyped up in a capitalist system.
Yeah, machine learning actually has a ton of very useful applications in things. It’s just predictably the dumbest and most toxic manifestations of it are hyped up in a capitalist system.
Poland was only when the Nazis invaded. Honestly, being under Soviet occupation would be soooo much more preferable than Nazi occupation.
Also I wouldn’t really call the conflict in Georgia invading Europe lol.
So basically you’ve got Ukraine and an example from the 40s. Which was also related to the coming war with the Nazis. That’s not a giant pattern.
“We fought for state’s rights!”
“State’s rights to do what?”
A bad history of invading Europe? When? World War 2?
Japan’s single party state is democratic and freedom-pilled!
But yeah lol. The US throwing stones about democracy is hilariously hypocritical.
Something that’s important to note though, is that the Cat example isn’t a great way to envision this phenomenon in general. Schrodinger’s Cat was actually made as an argument against this interpretation, by blowing the behavior up to a macro scale, where it seemed absurd. While you can draw analogues and all that, I’d recommend against really thinking that macro scale objects are in a multitude of obviously different states at once, all the time. It’s a path to some of the really kooky fake-science “quantum” stuff that get’s repeated.
Like, you’re never going to see a physicist argue that a person is both alive and dead in another room, because of the technical chance that they tunneled halfway through the wall.
Back in my day we didn’t have these, “bears”.
Engineering is the most chud of all academic fields. Beyond the engineering stemlord aspect, there’s a lot of military money floating around.
There’s some similar things with bio fields and pharmaceutical/bioengineering money.