This might sound better if I was stoned.
This might sound better if I was stoned.
I’m 3 time zones away from my server and it hasn’t crashed yet after being gone for 3 days. I’m very proud of it.
An acquaintance helped close a deal for a stadium naming rights. It had been a multi year process, the negotiations were crazy, the company deliberated forever trying to decide if this was the best way to increase brand recognition and man that shits expensive.
So like a shit head that thinks he’s funny I started calling the stadium by its sponsor like 3 sponsors ago when I was around them. You could see the anxiety spike when I did it.
Your comment made me think of that. It’s hilarious. They would have had a fucking breakdown if they had heard someone say that out loud.
Anyone tried it?
That reminds me I need to donate to them.
Congrats buddy. Right on.
It looks great but man I hate subscriptions and $80 for a lifetime license is absurd.
Raspberry Pi
I don’t have time to respond, but exploring the capabilities of any of those things would be a great place to start.
Mad Max was way better than it had any right to be.
Yes please. Right on.
I just sent em $10. Thanks for posting the link.
SSL Certs were so god awful before certbot that it’s hard to explain now that it’s so easy and free.
I love you both very much.
I still play SSX3 GameCube version on my Wii.
They were amazing at the time and now they feel completely weird in the hand. The knockoffs feel even worse. Hoping this one is good.
Dude defender was great
That woman takes up a ton of cover tho
This was a long time ago in a different world. I’m an old man now. My job now is coaching soccer and gardening and baking, but thanks for writing that. Hopefully new admins see it.
And it was literally.
It depends on the environment for sure. That was standard at the end of my career but definitely not at the beginning.
No but it’s a good start. The problem is that literally everyone would do it, from directors to the lowest paid people on the job. EVERYBODY does it. We detected and blocked, so then they started hardwire connecting to switches that they saw in offices. We had blocked those, so they started trying to connect to industrial switches out in the factories.
It was maddening.
You would be shocked at the amount of times employees would bring devices into our air gapped network.
Rc Pro Am was pretty great.