Maybe you and Dog can become friends 🥹
Maybe you and Dog can become friends 🥹
It’s funny how you assume that structured can only happen with violence. You’re right, an advanced anarchist society would be a real democracy (not a representative democracy like we have today). It would in fact be way more structured than societies today. If a small group of people can’t simply enforce rules on all the others, the bodies that make decisions for the group will have to do a lot more work to make sure they are including everyone in the conversation in order to avoid conflict. It would involve a lot more conversation, deliberation and balancing than our current societies.
I disagree. There can still be a communal security service that resolves conflicts and tries to keep public spaces safe. I read an awful lot about shooting in this thread. I guess that might be a United States of American bias on the web, but still, I don’t understand how y’all think going aboiyt shooting others would be the first in anyone’s minds if they would be free 😅
The vast majority of humans are actually nice, altruistic and not selfish if you treat them with respect. And hence anarchism would not resolve in everyone killing each other.
Came here to read this comment
What hitmen don’t want you 🫵 to know!
Maybe could have framed this “non-US TV shows”. Now you’re inviting the majority if users to just tell you their favorite US series 🤷
Tbh seriously, I think reading “PHP & MySQL in de praktijk” (PHP & MySQL in practice) must have had the most impact on my life. It definitely kickstarted my interest in programming.
Other than technical books, I thought “Testament Of Youth”, about the 1st world was, was pretty profound.
I doubt any of these examples have anything to do with reading comprehension problems…
Hmm, I think many users just weren’t aware. No everyone follows the main subreddits, or checks r/all. Not all subs closed. I guess the majority of users saw some stuff pass by but probably didn’t read into it too much. You know, most people spent the majority of their awake time working to “make a living”.
What if they didn’t know Lemmy existed?
Which book is that about the Spanish Civil War?
On that topic, George Orwell’s book, Homage to Catalonia, is also very much recommended.