How many tokens fit in your context window?
How many tokens fit in your context window?
Why choose self as the exemplar? It may be the “purest”, but the list isn’t based on “purest” or pascal would be the exemplar of structured languages.
At the very least, improve readability by moving the disclaimer from the last sentence of the section to the first.
Clearly your gender field is a boolean. Which means it can be either true, false, null, or undefined. Except in javascript where for some reason it can sometimes be NaN, but only when you try to compare two people.
I think you’re over exaggerating the effort needed for tagging resources. Between terraform/pulumi/cdk and the tag tool, it’s relatively easy to make sure everything is tagged. Doubly so if you have a finance department who’s literal job is to go through and do that (or ask you for help with it)
You can get a full itemized bill. The only thing that isn’t fully broken out are elastic ips. We found that out because we were tagging everything for billing and those weren’t showing up correctly.
Mind you, it’s likely a bit more itemized than you want. Like you’ll see a separate line item for each price tier you paid for something, and things like ebs disks are all split out. It can be a bit…much.
When I was a young dev
My senior took me into the city
To push my code to prod
He said "Son, when you promo
Would you be the savior of the broken
The buggy and the OOM'd?"
The original article smelled wrong when they claimed to have broken AES. Thankfully, Bruce Schneier is far more authoritative than I ever will be and gives a short and succinct list of links to debunkings of this.
One upvote is not enough.
I once wrote a commit message the length of a full blog post comparing 10 different alternatives for micro optimization, with benchmarks and more. The diff itself was ten lines. Shaved around 4% off the hot path (based on a sampling profiler that ran over the weekend).
Ew no.
Abusing language features like this (boolean expression short circuit) just makes it harder for other people to come and maintain your code.
The function does have opportunity for improvement by checking one thing at a time. This flattens the ifs and changes them into proper sentry clauses. It also opens the door to encapsulating their logic and refactoring this function into a proper validator that can return all the reasons a user is invalid.
Good code is not “elegant” code. It’s code that is simple and unsurprising and can be easily understood by a hungover fresh graduate new hire.
Yes. I’ll read the content, but I try to avoid interacting.
Mind you, db0 himself is a tankie, although he doesn’t seem to insist on imposing that on the users or communities on his instance.
EDIT: I stand corrected. Apologies to db0 for lumping him in with that crowd.
Gotcha. So all horses are purple?
None built in from what I recall. That was from back in 2011, so it’s possible things changed since.
Reading through, it looks like retries do exist, but remember that duplicate packets are treated as a window reset, so it’s possible that transmission succeeded but the ack was lost.
I remember the project demos from the course though - one team implemented some form of fast retry on two laptops and had one guy walk out and away. With regular wifi he didn’t even make it to the end of the hall before the video dropped out. With their custom stack he made it out of the building before it went.
I’ll need to dig through to find the name of what they did.
To be fair, because of window size management it only takes 1% packet loss to cause a catastrophic drop in speed.
Packet loss in TCP is only ever handled as a signal of extreme network congestion. It was never intended to go over a lossy link like wifi.
Only on signup
Anything using Blind as a “verified industry source” is going to be skewed to the type of person who uses Blind. Beyond that, it’s low sample size, and there are suspiciously round fractions for some of the larger companies. Worse, because Blind is blind - this doesn’t represent current employees, but merely people who worked at some point in the past at those companies.
Not saying it’s not good - just saying not to get overly excited over a badly done survey
That makes a lot of sense - I wonder if they also do the SIGSEGV trick like HotSpot to know when they need to JIT the next chunk of instructions
But does it run Doom? Using CMOV instructions only?
I thought FAT binaries don’t work like that - they included multiple instruction sets with a header pointing to the sections (68k, PPC, and x86)
Rosetta to the best of my understanding did something similar - but relied on some custom microcode support that isn’t rooted in ARM instructions. Do you have a link that explains a bit more in depth on how they did that?
Throughout my career, I have used (in no particular order)
Switching your muscle memory takes a long time, which is why you have things like spacemacs, or different keybind presets for almost all of these editors.
There is more value in understanding how to extend and customize your editor than in searching for a new one. Use whatever your workplace provides the best support for, and then customize it from there.