Hey there,
I did all 3 bosses to do that. But for two it’s still showing the questmarker, even though they’re dead. Cannot progress on that quest any further.
Someone had the same issue? Is there a solution to it?
I wish I could help. I never actually found him; he just showed up at the Grove after I wiped out everything in the goblin camp and went back to sell everything before actually looking for him.
I will say that sometimes you can just reload a game (doesn’t have to be an earlier save or anything just save and reload where you are if you want) and it fixes a ton of scripting related bullshittery like this. Any time I notice a script failing to fire (like a line of dialogue not playing, or the enemies get stuck just standing around in combat never actually taking their turn), I quick save, quick load, and it’s usually fixed.
Yeah. Had some issues solved that way. But by the point I should have returned to him I eliminated the whole camp and yeah. Dunno.
Even threw the leaders down a hole and questmarker disappeared. Didn’t help to xD
Check back at the grove.
I just did this again on my second playthrough, and he didn’t show up. So I went back and looted until I was full, and he was just standing at the gates when I went back to Aaron to sell.
Yeah dunno. Have been at the camp and nowhere to be found. Only posionous fog.
W… Why is there poisonous fog?
Dunno. But I attacked the leader and the whole grove was fighting. Maybe because of that…
I love that you can do that, in and of itself.
Whenever I got issues with quest markers not updating or required items missing I reload, maybe restart the game. That can fix it.
Happened already :/… nothing changed.
Try talking to Halsin again. It still showed the markers for me as well, but talking to him progressed anyway.
Yeah. But he isn’t around anymore. Not in the jail. Don’t know where to find him…
After you get him out of the jail he goes to your camp, maybe find him there?
Didn’t see him. Will take another look later on
If he’s not in the jail or in your camp he’s either dead (for whatever reason) or might’ve went back to the druid grove.
He goes back to Emerald Grove, and he’ll be at the bottom of the stairs where you had the encounter with the theiving tiefling child’s parents
Mine showed the quest marker for all three even after all were dead. To complete the quest, you have to walk up to Halsin and talk to him one final time. For me he was in the main chamber with the hardest boss, because he came with me. If you left him at the cells, maybe he has gone back to the Grove.
I left my game yesterday after casually running out of the camp straight into a small army of goblins + a giant goblin, dying after a 45 min battle, then realising I’m going to have to be smarter to escape. Maybe there’s a less-heavily-guarded exit.
He worked as intended for me. Had already killed one of the three “bosses” (Gut) before freeing him from his cell. Took Halsin with me, next killed Droz, and then finally, located the drow. After she went down, he immediately triggered the quest ending.
I’m guessing that if you DON’T take Halsin with you, you’re going to have to go back and talk to him to complete the quest?
Yeah he remained at the cells but he isn’t there anymore.
Seems like others here said that he goes back to the Druid grove in that scenario.
The markers were still there for me as well, but did you save Halfin yet and talk to him after killing all 3 bosses?
I killed all three but he’s gone…