I’m not a big protest-goer but I would assume for direct action stuff they might not be able to say what it is ahead of time. But I would assume that if any questionable activities take place, they will be optional.
Don’t know, I’m not involved, I just thought it was a cool poster and a good cause.
Not sure, you’ll have to go to find out. I assume it involves bicycles though.
They said attendees would not be at legal risk but declined to explain the nature of the protest.
Nothing sketch about that. Well, except the not telling participants what they are getting into before hand part, that’s super sketch.
I’m not a big protest-goer but I would assume for direct action stuff they might not be able to say what it is ahead of time. But I would assume that if any questionable activities take place, they will be optional.
Don’t know, I’m not involved, I just thought it was a cool poster and a good cause.