I’m including anything only available on other Nintendo systems as exclusive for this.

I’ve got a $50 eShop card I figure I should spend before gold points go away.

I have BotW. It was alright, but it didn’t excite me enough to get TotK unless it’s on a deep discount.

I’ve also already got Mario Odyssey and Metroid Prime Remastered. I have a handful of other games but they’re not Switch exclusive afaik.

I’m mostly using my Steam deck for handheld these days, so I’d rather not get anything non-exclusive on the Switch right now.

  • mcforest@feddit.org
    10 hours ago

    Mario and Zelda are the obvious answer, but Golf Story would be my answer as well. It’s sad that the sequel sucks (never tried it) and that the series never made it to other platforms.