Extrovert with social anxiety, maker, artist, gamer, activist, queer af, adhd space cadet, stoner

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • The world has changed significantly since you were your kiddo’s age, but it sounds like you might be stuck thinking you can regain the things you’ve lost. Time only goes one way and you have to find new ways to live and express yourself.

    Look for parts of your life where you are just killing time. Browsing social media, watching a streaming service, playing video games, etc, and see if you can do less of that. Look at what things you buy and see if you can buy less, used, or local to free up some budget for pursuing other interests. And if you feel tired all the time, get some exercise, it really does help with fatigue over time.

    Both your partner and kiddo can also help, they would prefer a happy, authentic husband/dad and probably would support you if you asked them for specific assistance.

    Ultimately you have to make it a priority or nothing will change.

  • This is more to do with trans erasure and an attempt to denormalize transness. It’s limited to schools because Republicans have been slowly destroying the education system in the US for decades in an effort to only allow christian mythology to be taught and any subjects that might question that or offer an alternative ethos eliminated.

    Make no mistake, anti-trans legislation is not to protect cis people, it is to drive us (trans people) back in the closet and out of public life. It’s clearly spelled out almost exactly like that in the Project 2025 document.

    It also is the easiest in point for this sort of activism because the democrats have entirely abandoned trans people and many of them are also (quietly) transphobic. Just look at how many people blamed Trump’s win on wokeness and identity politics and the entire “lgb without the t” movement.

  • So, no there isn’t any evidence (at least that I’ve seen) for trans people being predatory in bathrooms. I have seen lots of stories about trans and “trans-looking” cis women being assaulted, threatened, and harassed in bathrooms. In all fairness though trans people are about 1% of the US population (~3.3m individuals) so statistically it’s happened at least once, probably.

    This has nothing to do with protecting kids but I wanted to add a few more bible verses that Christians also should contemplate more often.

    15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

    Matthew 7:15-20, that is red text (a typographical feature of some bibles, mostly the king james version, where direct quotes from Jesus are set in red text)

    “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”

    Matthew 10:14, That’s also red text.

    “If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.”

    Romans 12:18

    “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”

    1 John 3:17, a small caveat to this one: brother may refer to other Christians (which is how some versions translate it) but Jesus used brother and sister to refer to all people, and since John was his bestie, it seems like the more fitting interpretation.

  • Most of that comes from how much smaller Lemmy is than Reddit and the demographic of Lemmy users. I don’t have hard information, but at least anecdotally the average Lemmy user is about ten years older, it seems more men use it even than reddit, and skews extremely left.

    The low volume of users means a lot less content and fewer niche communities. The biggest between Lemmy and Reddit though is the lack of bots. There are bots on Lemmy for sure and probably the same kinds that are most of reddit, but there just isn’t as big of an incentive because the ROI is smaller.

  • I decided to leave reddit after I switched from lurking to trying to participate more. Most of the comments I made for about six month had little to no interaction, to the point I wondered if I was shadow banned (but wasn’t as far as I could tell). When I was able to interact with another redditor it was rarely pleasant and usually was just someone telling me I was wrong or misunderstanding my comment and arguing against the misunderstanding.

    I didn’t have a community of people on reddit to being but I did ask a friend to try it a few months back. She didn’t stick around though because of the lack of content.

    If reddit isn’t working for you Lemmy might, but I would encourage you to consider what it is you want from social media and see if there might be a better fit somewhere because Lemmy is just anarchist reddit.

    Edit: It’s also worth pointing out the average Lemmy user is much smarter than the average redditor so if the idiots on reddit are your main problem you might find it fits your needs

  • Perfection is exhausting. I struggle with it. My brain tells me that if I’m not the perfect friend or know the right things no one will like me. It has consumed my life so far and has lead me to make very bad and disastrous choices.

    More than that though, it’s boring. I am so tired of spending my life trying to figure out what the right action is. I would much rather have fun with friends or rewarding sex or find an interesting personal project to work on.