“It revolves around safety, security, and, I think, common sense. It protects our children and grandchildren in private spaces where they are most vulnerable,” said Republican Ohio state Sen. Jerry Cirino, the bill’s sponsor.

  • beliquititious@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    This is more to do with trans erasure and an attempt to denormalize transness. It’s limited to schools because Republicans have been slowly destroying the education system in the US for decades in an effort to only allow christian mythology to be taught and any subjects that might question that or offer an alternative ethos eliminated.

    Make no mistake, anti-trans legislation is not to protect cis people, it is to drive us (trans people) back in the closet and out of public life. It’s clearly spelled out almost exactly like that in the Project 2025 document.

    It also is the easiest in point for this sort of activism because the democrats have entirely abandoned trans people and many of them are also (quietly) transphobic. Just look at how many people blamed Trump’s win on wokeness and identity politics and the entire “lgb without the t” movement.