Former President Donald Trump urged members of a crowd in Florida to vote and said that if he wins, they “won’t have to vote anymore.”
Speaking at a Turning Point Action event in West Palm Beach on Friday, Trump, who tried to overturn the 2020 election he lost, delivered a cryptic message.
“And again, Christians, get out and vote!” he said to a cheering audience. “Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians! I’m a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”
Wow so cryptic I wonder what he could be implying
He’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma…
Wrapped in a used diaper
“I think I’m much more cryptic than you would understand” - Trump
It’s not cryptic at all, it’s rather straightforward.
Yeah came here to say this.
Again with the dog airhorn.
What does it feel like to get raped in the ass by this fucker, Americans? You gonna do something about it or just take it?
That one kid tried to do something about it, then everyone decried him.
Except Kyle Gass
The electoral college has been doing that for so many years our assholes look like Bonnie Rotten after a gang bang.
Thx for the recommendation
Ancient Greece also fell, cults and ideologies outperformed their bickering through sheer dumb single-mindedness.
Ancient Greece fell because of lead. It’s believed the aristocrats were ingesting 1mg of lead everyday. They used it for various things including wine preservative and sweetener.
“I love you, christians. I am a christian!”
Who the fuck talks like that? And who the fuck votes for a guy that talks like that?
Who talks like that? A grifter. A guy who literally embodies all of the seven deadly sins, trying to convince his followers that “he’s a Christian.” That is just exploding with irony.
Imagine how stupid the average person is, then realize half of all people are stupider than that.
- George Carlin
I read something that put conservatives into greater context, just changed one word.
“Imagine how stupid the average Republican is, then realize half of all republicans are stupider than that.”
Median would be the more generally correct number to use, but apparently IQ (debatable as a proxy for intelligence…) is roughly normally distributed, so either is likely close enough.
Oh yeah, they normalize IQ every year, and 100 is always used as the median.
But thanks to the Flynn Effect, getting a 100 (the number they always choose for the middle) in 2024 means you’re significantly smarter than someone who got a 100 in 1990.
So when Carlin said, “think of a person with average intelligence” he was calling to mind (to his 1990 audience) a person who was average in 1990 but would score [EDIT: I originally said 70s to 80s, but I was off by a lot. Such a person would actually score right around 90 points] today.
This is what happens when you take the lead out of gasoline.
A person would only drop a couple points over time. 80s, and especially 70s, would be significantly impaired.
Millions of stupid Americans. They are everywhere! Even in your city, maybe even in your neighborhood.
Hello my fellow human beings, I’m a human and love doing human activities.
These people who talk equally as phony.
Behold: a black person.
Too stupid to be satire, but also too stupid to not be satire. I am not sure with this one, chief.
If I recall correctly, he forgot to switch accounts before posting that one.
Quite a few of those on social media.
Your country is insane.
In any other democratic nation in the world, a politician saying this would be finished.
I hope for the sake of humanity that all the sane people in the US go out and tells everyone they know that cares about democracy and the rule of law what Trump is planning to do, especially in the swing states.
I hate to break it to you, but it’s not just our country.
Right, Russia is fucked too
It may be the most successful example of indoctrination of parts of the populace of a supposedly developed nation by the ruling class though.
This is lemmy, the goal is always to shit on America.
Probably because it’s one of the worst examples of many bad things. Source: am American. The only way you can avoid criticizing America as a thinking person is to focus on the ways it’s a little better than other countries. For example we mostly have clean drinking water while other countries don’t. But if you for a moment focus back on America itself it’s hard not to find things that just damned well ought to be better. Never be sick in America. Our healthcare is a pathetic piece of shit!
I’ve got no problem with reasonable criticism of America. In fact I have many of my own. My issue is that here, shitting on America is well received regardless almost completely regardless of how reasonable it is.
Hmm, I don’t see that. I can’t remember the last time I saw an undeserved criticism of America. But I would agree with you if I did see that
Nayib Bukele, a pretty blatant authoritarian, just won an election in El Salvador. And have you been paying attention to the rise in right wing authoritarians winning in Europe?
The idea that this is isolated to the us makes no sense.
At what point did I or anyone say right wing authoritarianism is exclusive to the US? …
About the clean drinking water, the first world countries all have it though
I realize that. I should’ve said that some countries don’t have clean drinking water. For me it has been shocking when I’ve experienced that because I’m “spoiled” by safe water most places I’ve ever visited.
The thing is that for any single positive item many people thing of being exceptional for the US, the truth is that most other countries in the 1st world are on par or better. I mean I heard Americans wonder if Germans have access to running water, that was in 2023.
Pointing out flaws instead of blindly shouting “murka numbuh wun!” is not a bad thing…
100% agreed. But that’s not what I’m talking about. People just mindlessly shit on America here all the time. Just because I recognize the unreasonable American hate does not mean I’m an unreasonable American supporter. Not every is simple and black and white how you would like it.
Is that how I would like it? I guess that is a thing I learned about myself today! Neat.
“I’m the normal one, everyone around me is crazy!!!”
Well, first, judging what’s right based on what’s popular is dumb on it’s own, but it’s even more dumb here because the up vote/down vote is current equal for my post, making it clearly not “everyone.”
Our country is full of proudly ignorant bootlickers
Turns out all you need to do is make up some bullshit about “American dreams” and “bootstraps,” make them believe they too can (and probably already should!) be a billionaire, and the one thing stopping that are those goddamn Marxist Democrats and their “progressive taxation,” and “social safety nets for the blacks (please ignore the fact that I’m on disability, it’s different)”.
Republicans have been sabotaging our country’s own public education system for 25+ years at this point. Selling the future prosperity of our nation down the river for a voter-base with cult-like devotion, and a unique ability to ignore objective reality.
Unfortunately for the planet, it seems to have been wildly successful.
The next step is to do away with democracy altogether.
The craziest part is that, even with the absolute insanity this election has already been (and it will absolutely get worse), I’m seriously worried there’s going to be a worse turnout than 2020. 30% of voters are holding the country hostage, but another 30+% still can’t be bothered to get out and do the most basic thing they can do to fix it. It’s absurd. The nutjobs in the US are dragging the country to the gallows, but apathetic voters are tying the noose.
I’m seriously worried there’s going to be a worse turnout than 2020.
2020 had the highest voter turnout in any US election. Donald Trump got more votes in 2020 (more than 74 million) than any other Presidential candidate, winner or loser, in history… except for Joe Biden in 2020, who got 81 million.
In any other democratic nation in the world, a politician saying this would be finished.
Unfortunately not anymore, no. Bolsonaro (luckily voted out) and Orban and the Polish potato (also luckily voted out) have been spouting similar bullshit for 10+ years. Also, Erdoğan talks bullshit like that.
All of them a little less incoherent than the fat orange turd, but still, they say this kind of bullshit.
Your country is insane.
You don’t say! I simply hadn’t noticed! What’s so crazy about people voting for someone with no experience whatsoever except for being a rich asshole which he proved every second breath? I mean that’s just normal!!
in any other democratic nation, he would have been finished in 2015, when the “grab’em by the pussy” tape came out
but no, it’s 2024 and we STILL have to waste time arguing about drag queens and library books
To this day, I will never know how it didn’t end the moment he made fun of that photographer who had the deformity on his arm.
the list of things that should have ended trump is too long for any comment, so here
What the fuck is supposed to be cryptic about this? He’s making it perfectly clear that he wants to overthrow democracy in the US. And everybody who votes for him is OK with that.
Trump said it in a way that he could have meant that you won’t have to vote for him again. He kept saying “vote for me now and in 4 years you won’t have to vote again”. I’m sure if you made this criticism to Trump’s face he would act like you’re being unreasonable and pretend that of course he meant that he can only do 1 more 4 year term. Trump’s supporters would respond similarly. But that’s why it’s called a dog whistle, the message gets to the people he wants it to while it forces his detractors to debate what’s going on inside Trump’s head.
People asked the question before. It went something like:
“You do realize that he’ll be a dictator, right?”
" We don’t care. He’ll be our dictator and that’s all that matters."
And then they’ll say they do it for freedom and democracy.
Or the more common answer:
“He misspoke and the media is taking out of context.”
Even though he has said it thirty different ways and this just happens to line up with the narrative.
Those fuckers should be deported to some authoritarian shithole with Sharia law like Iran so they can appreciate what they’re throwing away because they’re terrified of “the gays”.
Same with the “migrants out” thing. If immigrants actually left, farmers and business would be desperate within days because all their hardest and/or cheapest workers just vanished and now there are no more truck drivers, no more field workers so crops left rotting on the field, no more waiters, … Prices of stuff would shoot up. UK tried this recently and that’s what happened.
There’s another angle to the dictator thing-
A lot of people essentially think the president already is a dictator. That’s why even people on the left say things like, “why doesn’t Biden raise the minimum wage?!” when that requires an act of congress.
My favorite is “Why did Biden make shit so expensive!?” And all I can do is laugh, because my brain plays on a loop Biden sneaking around to all the stores swaping price tags and chuckling maniacally.
And then I get sad because these were people I once respected as “intelligent”…
We need to bring back Schoolhouse Rock.
Considering how little help the English songs have been, I doubt that they were paying attention to I’m Just a Bill either.
Also anyone who doesn’t go vote because of edgelord reasons or laziness is guilty. If the US becomes Russia v2.0, we’ll all die in WW3 guaranteed.
I’m guessing it’s cryptic because he can just say that he meant “for me” and not “in general.”
Many don’t think he can pull it off, which is the scary part that might let him do it.
“Oh, that’s all talk. He can say what he wants but can’t do shit without the House and Congress, and if he wanted to change things to get more terms? With states majority agreement that’s required? Not in his lifetime. You worry for nothing, PassingThrough, it’s all showmanship, as it always has been. And no, the Army wouldn’t help such an obvious fool overthrow the government either.”
It’s crazy.
“Oh, your drunk uncle Mike who has three arson convictions, thinks you turned the family against him, and is in your attached garage with gas and a lighter threatening to burn it down? Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless!”
Trump using the language of a tyrant is not an accident. When people say that democracy is on the line this election, we’re not being hyperbolic, we’re saying that because of statements like this. Please get out there and vote this November.
Him saying it out loud is an accident. People with dementia often forget that they’re not supposed to say certain things out loud.
While that may be true, I also think it’s because he feels comfortable enough to say it out loud. These people and a fanatic third of the US are that far gone.
At this point we have found out that he can say or do anything and half the country will still support him. There is no convincing anymore for most of them.
We outnumber them we just need to get higher turnout and we win every time
If our democracy is so fragile that it can be destroyed by voting for the wrong person, then we have to fix some shit.
Oh shaddup
Intriguing platform; tell me more.
Too all the Trump supporters, if you want, you can stop voting now. No, seriously, it is a hassle. Stay home, the rest of us can handle it.
I’m not american, but I have a feeling this election is going to go into history.
Vote for Trump and he’ll turn it into dictatorship.
Vote for Harris and she’ll be the first woman president.
What will it be?
Not just the first woman president, but the first female mixed race president and the first to snap back when attacked in a long time. Trump is scared. He just went from saying “you don’t need to vote because we have plenty of votes” to “please vote so we can put an to end voting”
Edited to say first female mixed race since Obama was first mixed race
First Asian President
First South Asian President lol
Cryptically? This motherfucker is the most transparent asshole on the planet. He couldn’t convince a bucket of fish they were out of the water.
He plain and clearly said “if I win it will be the end of democracy”. There isn’t subtext.
As an outsider I honestly just don’t get what people see in this idiot. How can you take someone that talk like that seriously? He sounds like a nutter that is promising crazy stuff that would literally mean the end of the USA as we know it.
If he’d get his way with this and the other project 2025 stuff it’d honestly be the end of America I think.
As an insider, it’s even worse. You didn’t have to suffer 4 years of continuous clusterfuck and embarrassment only to be topped off by a planned insurrection that they still try to gaslight everyone about.
You’re absolutely correct that it would be the end of America.
Trump is a cult leader in all but name. His zealots support worldviews that have been made illegal, taboo, obsolete, or otherwise unacceptable, like white supremacy and racism, fascism, theocracy, homo-/transphobia, and mysogyny; they perceive this as an attack against their lifestyles by “the others.” They will rally to the loudest voice that speaks out against “the others” and support him as long as that remains true.
Trump cultists are irrational creatures, you can’t apply rational expectations and deduce a satisfactory answer.
I’m Canadian and whenever I’m abroad, the locals ask me what the fuck is wrong with Americans. Expecting I’ll know better bc we’re neighbours.
Which is true, since we’re more likely to interact.
All I can reply is, “They’re just totally fucked!” It’s that simple!Also, when I meet Americans abroad now, the first thing they do is apologize for America. That’s the only Canadian trait that’s rubbed off on them.
As an American, neither do I. The man was a national joke for 30+ years, and all it took was a shiny new coat of paint in the form of a reality TV show where they just straight up constantly lied about his wealth and business acumen, for people to literally begin worshipping him.
Watching your loved ones fall into this shit is heartbreaking.
In case you missed it the OLD orange felon/rapist has already declared himself the winner. He has said if he isn’t the winner the election was rigged. They intend to take control no matter what.
He’s done this before and all that happened was a small crowd of idiots making mess in the Capitol.
I guarantee that THIS time there will be far more than a handful of cops on scene, regardless of who wins.
In my eyes this is the actual scariest thing he’s ever said.
I mean it quite a good soundbite for any democratic ad for sure.
I seriously want to just scatter pictures of this quote all over town… don’t see how any Republican could be on board with this unless they actually want a dictatorship
Genuine national security threat.
This is as cryptic as saying “I will come to your house tonight and burn it down with everyone still in it.”
You will never need to worry about your house again!
You won’t have to worry about anything at all again.